Admission Requirements for Post PhD program

Admission Requirements for Post PhD program 
The following are requirements for admission to the CU PhD Program (additional requirements are specific to your major or field of study):

Admissions Application form available online. Fill out the Request Form.

A brief curriculum vitae that provides an overview of education, work, publication, and other professional activities.

A master’s degree from a recognized program, or the equivalent.

Additionally, applicants may be required to submit one or more of the following to determine their eligibility.

Sufficient references from persons in the professional and academic communities. The Committee on Doctoral Studies may, on occasion, require additional references.

At least one example of scholarly research or professional writing in any format (print or electronic). The student should describe fully any published or unpublished research, thesis, contributions to the professional or scholarly literature, and other professional or academic experience relevant to an assessment of his or her capacity to pursue doctoral study successfully.

Note: Students who have been granted Advanced Placement Candidate status (APC) may be allowed modification of the above protocol.